Monday 10 October 2011

Warlock T13

A set with the flavor of the Old Gods about it - General Vezax from the Ulduar raid was a reference point. Any warlock tier is a great opportunity to bring a dark and warped aesthetic to player gear and this set was especially ripe for the treatment.

Replacing the caster’s face with writhing tentacles was the ‘hook’ I started the concept with and built out from there. We always try to include numerous points of illumination into a tier set as it helps to tie the various armour pieces together – whether that be glowing gemstones, fiery runes or, as in this case, bulging otherworldly eyes!

It's not a very good set. As my opinion its appearance is very bad. The head looks like intestine around the mouth.

Let's have a look at this set.

And also let's have look at previous set for warlock.

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