Thursday 13 October 2011

Hunter T13

We like to tie a Hunter’s Tier armour in with an appropriate donor creature – it suggests the Hunter has actually hunted for the set! As there’s an awful lot of dragons in this patch, a draconic theme was the way to go. We wanted to reference but not simply reproduce the classic Dragonstalker set. To that end, we limited the use of dragon heads to the helm and chained leathery wings around the shoulders which gives the impression of a skeletal dragon crouching over the Hunter’s upper body.

Its helmet is a bit strange.
Let's have a look at this set first.

And compare to the Forsaken Warhouse's head.

Do you find it just look too similar to hunter's new Tier set.

Heres its previous set.

Priest T13

Priests (and paladins for that matter) are often the most challenging classes to design ‘badass’ armor sets for, in contrast to the death knight and warlock, whose underlying concepts demand the unquestionably cool dark and sinister approach.

In this instance, however, the design asked for a bold, two-tone, ‘Venetian carnival style with creepy, soulless black eyes,’ which gave me a powerful, potentially edgy direction to explore. The set’s ‘Dying Light’ theme was visualized as a spiked, setting sun motif.

It's a great set. It looks similar to Pope. It's a bit similar to T6 by just comparing its shoulder.
Let's have a look at this new set.

And also let's have a look at Priest's previous Tier set.

Paladin T13

Design requested a set to ‘key off the Guardian of Ancient Kings summon,’ and I though the concept of ‘feathered’ plate mail, rendered in silver and gold, would create an aggressive, yet sweeping and powerful silhouette. The previous paladin raid set had a good deal of cloth, but we wanted this set to be entirely platemail.
The key to a strong paladin tier is hitting a balance between martial prowess and elegant grace -- tapping into that classic Arthurian knight archetype.

It has a butterfly likes of helmet. It's cool but doesn't remind me of Paladin's set at all. Paladin's Tier set used to be full of divine and holy sort of stuff. This new set just get rid of all the things like that.

Let's have a look at the set first.

And also let's have a look at Paladin's previous set.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

4.3 Legendary Dagger ------- Fangs of the Father

After rogue's Tier 13 was released. A new legendary weapon was released. This is made only for rogue.

The Contract
Patch 4.3 will offer the most deadly and experienced rogues the opportunity to finally play a central role in the fate of the world the rogue’s way: by manipulating key events from the shadows. Players will travel across continents to accomplish crucial missions of reconnaissance, burglary, infiltration and, of course, assassination. Those familiar with the events that unfolded in the Badlands since the Cataclysm struck may recall the story of Rheastrasza, the ambitious red dragon who acquired a black dragon egg and magically purified it, cleansing it of the Black Dragonflight’s corruption. While those events may lead to a more hopeful destiny for Azeroth, it will take cleverness, stealth, skill, and the help of a few friends to unravel the web of intrigue that will reveal what became of the egg… and determine the fate of Deathwing himself.

Rogue T13

A "bat-themed" armor set for rogues seems like a no-brainer, but we were careful to skirt the more obvious inspirations. World of Warcraft often makes playful references to pop culture, but it’s important -- particularly with player gear -- that what we create has integrity within our universe. Rogues look good in close-fitting masks, collars, and cowls rather than elaborate armored helms. It also helps reinforce the rogue's sneaky silhouette if the shoulder pads have a streamlined shape... even if that shape has sharp, bladed details.

This is a very funny set. Lots of people said it's bat-man.

Let's have a look at this new set.

 What about this?

Anyway, this is still a good set when you equiped this with the new legendary dagger------
"Fangs of the Father ".

Let's also have a look at rogue's previous set.

Mage T13

It’s fun to put a spin on any caster class that moves it away from the usual wizardly archetype, and this set provided the perfect opportunity to do just that. Gnomish clockwork technology is an established part of the Warcraft universe, but it’s not something we’ve incorporated into a tier of player armor before. The combination of moving cogs, quilted fabric, and lots of buckled straps give the set an intriguing "techno-mage" flavor.

In's looks toooo similar to a diver. Blizzard, do you really need to design a set that makes mage like a modern human being?

Never mind. Let's have a look at this new set.

And let's also have a look at mage's previous Tier set.

Monday 10 October 2011

Shaman T13

The best shaman sets are a mix of the animal and the elemental. This tier combines huge wolf-skull shoulder pads, bone fetishes, and fur with glowing shards of amber crystal. The entire set is lashed together with lengths of rope and heavily stitched leather, which lends the set a savage bearing.

This set is the most successful set among all shaman set. It mix the animal and the elemental.

Let's have a look at this new set.

And here's preivious set for shaman

Harmony in Chinese version Wow

    In China, because a large number of the players do not own the computer they use to play games, the CD keys required to create an account can be purchased independently of the software package. In order to play the game, players must also purchase prepaid game cards that can be played for 66 hours and 40 minutes. A monthly fee model is not available to players of this region.

The Chinese government and NetEase, the licensee for World of Warcraft in China, have imposed a modification on Chinese versions of the game which places flesh on bare-boned skeletons and transforms dead character corpses into tidy graves. These changes were imposed by the Chinese government in an attempt to "promote a healthy and harmonious online game environment" in World of Warcraft.

The Chinese government has also delayed release of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, due to what it feels is objectionable content. NetEase took over licensing of World of Warcraft from The9 in June 2009 following the expiration of The9's contract, and were able to secure a launch for Wrath of the Lich King on August 31, 2010, nearly two years after its Western release.

Druid T13

The design called for "phosphorescent mushrooms, reminiscent of Zangarmarsh," so our main concern was avoiding making a helm that looked like a giant toadstool sombrero. We’re always looking to incorporate interesting light sources within a raid set, and bioluminescent vegetable growth certainly provides that. Twisting, organic shapes are often key elements of a druid set, and this tier is no exception, with writhing plant roots providing a frame for the glowing clusters of fungi.

Nothing more to talk about this set. It follow druid's consistent style. The style always shows druid is approach to the nature.

Let's have a look at this set.

And here's preivious set for druid.

Warlock T13

A set with the flavor of the Old Gods about it - General Vezax from the Ulduar raid was a reference point. Any warlock tier is a great opportunity to bring a dark and warped aesthetic to player gear and this set was especially ripe for the treatment.

Replacing the caster’s face with writhing tentacles was the ‘hook’ I started the concept with and built out from there. We always try to include numerous points of illumination into a tier set as it helps to tie the various armour pieces together – whether that be glowing gemstones, fiery runes or, as in this case, bulging otherworldly eyes!

It's not a very good set. As my opinion its appearance is very bad. The head looks like intestine around the mouth.

Let's have a look at this set.

And also let's have look at previous set for warlock.

Sunday 9 October 2011

T13 set Rease for Warrior

T13 Warrior set looks like Deathwing. Gnarled dragon horn and angular elementium plating with burning fire behind it were the key ingredients.

The shoulder pads and helmets are uniquely modeled for each set, and that gives us great opportunities to create eye-catching silhouettes. In this instance, the sweeping horn shapes ensure a powerfully brutal-looking set for warriors.

It has been a long time seems Warrior T1 had released. But not all the warrior set looks nice. This new set perfectly suit for this patch.

Let's have a look at this new Set.

And here's all Tier set for Warrior from T1-T12.